ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS - The Roundtables are a place to share and discuss anything photo-related. So if you are working on a personal project, or putting together a portfolio for your website, or shooting for a non-profit - whatever it is that you are working on that month, you’ll send your most recent photos to talk about during the Roundtable. You’ll be able to talk about your challenges and successes and receive feedback and guidance on your work. Each month there will be two different times/dates for the Roundtables. You only need to attend the session that you’re planning to participate in, but you are are welcome to attend both. The Roundtables will most likely be scheduled for 10am and 4pm MST, which should hopefully accommodate everyone’s availability across the different time zones. The Roundtables will also be recorded so you can watch them later to follow along with your classmates stories.
STRATEGY SESSIONS - Kirsten will be breaking the class into several smaller groups based on what everyone is working on. Each month, you’ll have a strategy session with Kirsten and the other members of your group. During the strategy session you’ll discuss anything relating to your project/business/goals, and will come up with goals for the month. This meeting is part accountability group, part strategizing/planning next steps/support/check-in for whatever you are working on that month. I’ll reach out to the small groups individually to schedule your sessions at a time that works for everyone in your group. We’ll schedule your first strategy sessions as soon as Kirsten meets with everyone and forms the groups.
SPECIALST INTERVIEWS - Each month there will be an interview style conversation with an expert in the industry. The meeting will be conducted like an informal interview, and will be open to all of you to ask questions. If you’re unable to attend the session, you can send questions in advance. These meetings will be scheduled around the availability of the experts joining the class, but we’ll do our best to not schedule them all at the same time of day each month, so that people in different time zones have the chance to attend throughout the year.
1:1’s - Each of you will have four 30 minute individual sessions with Kirsten, scheduled throughout the year. These1:1’s are a time to meet individually with Kirsten to talk about whatever might be helpful for you to get extra support on. You can share photos from a session for culling help or a more in-depth review, talk about personal challenges that you might not want to share during a roundtable or the direction you’re taking as as photographer. Anything at all. We’ll be sending out a link with availability each month that you can use to sign up for your 1:1’s whenever you’re ready.
TEACHABLE - Teachable is the platform which will host all the class content - assignments, recordings of your classes and any other content that Kirsten and Tyler share. After each class We’ll upload the recordings to Teachable as soon as we can.
UPLOAD LINKS - We’ll be sending out individual upload links for each of the roundtables . It’s very easy to just drag and drop your photos into the upload webpage. The most important thing is please, please zip your photos into a folder that is labeled with your name, and label your individual photos with your name as well. Sometimes the upload program duplicates photos if they are sent individually which is time-consuming to sort through.
CLASS WEBPAGE - The class webpage (you’re looking at it) will be updated regularly with all the info you’ll need for the month - a calendar, the upload links, zoom links and class dates. We’ll send this info in weekly emails as well, but if you’re ever looking for a link or date you can always find that info on the webpage.
FACEBOOK GROUP - The Facebook group is a place to connect and support each other outside of class meetings. Kirsten or I may occasionally post info in the group, but we’ll make sure to always send out an accompanying email so you don’t have to rely on Facebook for communication. Similarly, if you have a question you can tag us in Facebook, but you may have more luck reaching us via email.
COMMUNICATION - You can email questions at any time. If you send an email to Molly (, she will respond as soon as possible. If you send an email to Kirsten (, it may take longer to get a response, and Molly will also see the email and will remind Kirsten to respond if she doesn’t right away. Molly will be sending out regular emails with class dates, upload links and zoom links.
For anything invoice/financial related, please email Kristen Fair at