Hi Everyone,
It’s your first weekly email update!
A few people had questions about what to submit for Roundtables vs. Critiques -
Roundtable Discussions are to discuss personal projects. For your first Roundtable this month, you can bring any ideas you have for a personal project, you can use the meeting to brainstorm new ideas, or you can share what project/s you’re already working on. If you’re already working on a personal project and would like to share some photos from it, you can use this link to upload your photos:
Critiques are the large-group meetings that happen once a month, where you’ll be sharing your assignment from that month. This month’s assignment was self-portraits.
To help you think about personal projects -
Kirsten posted some helpful activities in Teachable today to help you think about personal project ideas. I’m sharing some links to other people’s personal projects at the bottom of this email for further inspiration.
Also - There is an iPhone app for Teachable! I’ve found it's helpful to be able to watch Teachable video content on my phone. I’m not sure if there’s an app for Android at this time.
If you haven’t already, check out the class website - www.kirstenlewismentoring.com . If you missed the lengthy email I sent out with a lot of class info, you can find it in the weekly update section: https://www.kirstenlewismentoring.com/weekly-email-updates-1
Workshops - Kirsten and I almost have the dates solidified! Will email everyone dates in the next few days.
The following info will be included in the bottom of each weekly email. You can find the same info on the class website:
Kirsten’s welcome video - will be uploaded soon
Creative ideation lessons and exercises for Personal Projects - These lessons and exercises were created last year for Kirsten’s mentoring group (Visual Storytelling folks, these will be familiar to you!) She decided to share them this year for those of you who are still in the brainstorming stage.
Creative ideation exercises for Conceptual Photography
Interview with Marisa Kraft
7 Degrees of Wellness quiz has been updated (if you noticed the broken link before)
I’ll be putting together a resources section on the class website with a lot of photographers and projects to check out. In the mean-time, here are some projects to look at:
PhotoLucida’s Critical Mass Top 50. There are a lot of series in here that are part of personal projects: https://www.photolucida.org/critical-mass/top-50/
Here’s an example of one of the Photo Lucida finalists that shows how uniquely a person can conceptualize a project:
Russian photographer Nadia Sablin - http://www.nadiasablin.com/aunties
I linked you to her “Aunties” project, but all of her projects are so interesting.
Apparently this photographer found a lot of the photography subjects in this story on craigslist. He has a few other personal project series on his site as well.
Carl Bower: https://www.carlbower.com/private-fears
Here’s a project that a student of Kirsten’s started working on in one of her classes: https://www.katiejettwallsphotography.com/tabs
(If you were in Kirsten’s Visual Storytelling class last year, these were all pulled from weekly email updates. New projects will be shared soon!)
Talk to you all soon!
- Molly