April 29

Hi Everyone!

Our last Roundtable of the month is today at 3pm.  Hopefully you can join if you weren’t able to make the first one.  A note for the Europeans - I know the time of this RT is most likely too late for you to join.  Since we only scheduled two Roundtables this month we had to make one of them at this later time to accommodate everyone’s time zones, so I’m hoping you were able to join the previous Roundtable that was earlier in the month.

A few COVID related updates - 

  • We’re going to continue next month with the two Roundtables / two Happy Hours, so that there is something scheduled every week if your time zone allows you to join.  Hopefully by June we’ll be back to business as usual!  Never fear, we’ll be extending into 2021 to make up for the missed meetings.

  • We’ve rearranged the next few months assignments to accommodate anyone who can’t go out into the world yet.  I’ll be updating the yearly overview on the class webpage.

  • The Salt Lake City workshop is officially postponed.  Even if it’s safe to travel in June we want to make sure that everyone has time to look for stories ahead of time, and I think the stories you could find will be limited if we go so soon.  We’ll make sure we find a new workshop date that works for everyone and if absolutely necessary (if we have trouble finding a date) maybe one or two of you can join the London or New Orleans workshops.  Either way, we’ll make it work.

I almost have the dates for May set but I want to get this email out this morning so I’ll be sending a separate email with those.


I am so excited about Tristan Shouldice and Chantal Lawrie’s project, Six Feet Apart.  https://sixfeetapart.blog/  Everyone should submit your amazing quarantine photos to this project!  The submissions are unfiltered, so everything you submit will be shown on the site, with the chance to be featured.

See all your pretty faces later today,

- Molly