Hi Everyone,
I was blown away on Monday by everyone’s work. So much soul, joy, heartbreak, levity and honesty shared in those photos. It’s such a privilege to be let in to everyone’s world.
For our second Roundtable this month we need to switch the date. I always hate having to reschedule anything, but Kirsten is going to be on a photography panel that evening and we don’t want to have to cut the Roundtable short. So we’re going to switch the date to the next day, Friday May 29th at 3pm MDT.
The photography panel Kirsten is going to be speaking on sounds great though and it’s a free entry. It’s a webinar put on the Dallas Center for Photography with photographers Jennifer Spelman, Ed Kashi, Terra Fondriest, Patrizia Montanari and Nancy Borowick. With the theme of documenting home as a place and a state of mind. I’ll find the info to join and share it with you next week.We also have a happy hour this week on Thursday at 6pm MDT, hope to see some of you there!
May Roundtable 1
April Critique
Last year Kirsten flew Luis out to join a retreat she was holding, and he taught a half-day workshop for the group of us. I dug up an email I sent out last year after the workshop to send you some Luis inspired info from my notes -
I’m sharing with you one of his current favorite photographers, Joel-Peter Witkin. Luis apologized in advance because a lot of this artist’s work involves dead corpses (that’s my disclaimer) but said that this photographer is actually a very gentle-spirited and spiritual man: http://www.artnet.com/artists/joel-peter-witkin/
Here’s an interview with Joel-Peter Witkin: https://santafe.com/article/exclusive-interview-with-joel-peter-witkin
And a quote from Luis’s workshop: “If you want to make honest portraits you must give something of yourself first. You must show yourself if you want your subjects to show themselves to you."
- Molly