June 24

Hi Everyone!

The dates for the critiques at the end of this month have been confirmed - (I’d mentioned at one point that we were waiting on the travel plans of David Murray the guest critiquer before we could set them in stone).  

The last June Roundtable is this Sunday.  There’s a lot of people signed up so it could go fairly long.  I’m sorry to say that Roundtable 2 was not recorded.  It was a very small group and we forgot to press record..

For the Cooperative Story critique - 

I’d like to work out who is going to be critiqued on which date so the groups have a deadline for finishing their projects.  Here's how I’ve divided the class based on time-zones.  I want to keep the groups even, but if these dates don’t work for your group please let me know:

June 29 at 11am MDT -

  • Aleks, Elisse, Linda, Mauge

  • Elizabeth, Emma, Julia C., Barbara P.

  • Sophie, Stepheney, Ally, Christine, Lauren

  • Iratxe, Liora, Sharmilla, Sylvie

July 2 at 3pm MDT - 

  • Sarah, Casey, Katie, Kelly

  • Julia M., Barbara N., Brittany, Anna

  • Ilana, Ina, Amy, Jeanette

  • Alexe, Mary, Diana, Nadia

  • Zoë, Bec, Anissa, Tommy


Bruce Gilden!  Bruce Gilden is actually asking people permission to take their photos in his new project.  I’ve always been fascinated by people who can get into the mindset of taking pictures without caring whether the subject is okay with it or not - how exactly does a person get to this point?  The idea of it is slightly terrifying to me, so if you have tips please let me know.  There’s a lot of street photographers who are more secretive or casual about their photo-taking and Bruce Gilden is 100% the opposite - getting right in people’s faces with a flash and taking a picture before they have a chance to say no.  This interview with him and the photos he’s making in his grocery story parking lot series was very interesting to me:


Have a woooooonderful rest of your week!

- Molly