February 24

Hi All!

I hope everyone is doing great.  A few things for this week:

I’m still waiting on a few things to confirm the date for the Feb. critique.  Sorry about this!  My best guess is that it’s going to be on March 10th, 16 or 17th.  I’ll email out the date as soon as I have it.

I’ll be sending out (hopefully) the signup links for March Roundtables and 1:1 sessions later this week.

Roundtable 3 from last week has been uploaded to Teachable.  Kirsten is at WPPI and the Roundtable that hasn’t been uploaded is still on her office computer.   I’ll remind her to upload it as soon as she gets home.


  • February Roundtable 3

Talk to you all soon!

- Molly


February 17


We have two Roundtables this week, taking place tomorrow and Friday.

Kirsten mentioned this in the last Roundtable and I want to remind everyone that your photos from Roundtables need to be uploaded at least an hour before the Roundtable begins.  Any photos that aren’t sent at least an hour before the Roundtable will not be looked at.  Kirsten is going to be strict about this in order to make sure she has time to prepare everyone’s photos before the Roundtable begins.  If you miss the deadline, you can always wait and join the next Roundtable instead.

The Roundtable from February 9th has not been uploaded yet - for some reason Zoom recorded to Kirsten’s computer instead of the cloud, so Kirsten should be uploading that soon.

We are waiting on the guest critiquer’s schedule to confirm a date for your February Critique, but it will most likely take place during the second week of March. So you still have plenty of time to work on your assignment!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

- Molly


February 11

Good morning everyone!

The best thing about yesterday’s critique for me was feeling like I had gotten to know a little bit about everyone in the class.  The amount of thought and execution that everyone put into their portraits was very inspiring.  They all stayed with me, and I literally fell asleep last night seeing your photographs in my head :)

If you weren’t able to attend the entire critique, the recording has been posted in Teachable.

There’s been a lot of talk about incorporating multimedia into your personal projects.  I’m going to send you all a gigantic email with some thoughts/tips about recording audio.  The important information is in the “Interview Tips” section, and I’d recommend reading that part if you’re planning on recording an interview with one of your subjects anytime soon.

I’m also planning to make a few short videos going over this information, so no need to read the email unless you are hungering for audio help:)


  • January Critique

I.N.S.P.I.R.A.T.I.O.N. . . !

Here is the recent 1st place series winner from LensCulture (the winning series was Year Book, but it looks like she only submitted the portraits).  Her whole website is very interesting insight into rural Iceland: http://www.sosphotographs.com/portfolio.cfm?nK=19099&nS=0&pn=0

See you all next week!

- Molly


February 3

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you all had a great weekend!

It was so exciting to listen to everyone’s project ideas last week, and hopefully you’ve been able to watch some of the Roundtable’s you didn’t attend.

A few things for this week - 

The February Assignment has been posted in Teachable.

The class website has been updated with the February upload and zoom links.  I’ve also added a bit more info (how to re-size your photos before sending, a schedule for the year of what month you’re due to meet with Kirsten).

For the critique next Monday - The expectation is that everyone will put the time aside to be able to attend the entire critique out of respect for your classmates.  However.. critiques can be fairly long, and we understand that there are commitments some people may not be able to get out of.  And it is completely understandable for those of you in Europe to need to be able to sign off at bedtime and watch the rest of the critique in Teachable.  So - I’ll be putting together a critique order ahead of time to help give you an idea of how long it is before your turn.  If you have any timing requests as to when you go, please let me know as soon as possible!  I’ll be sending out a critique order on Sunday night, and then an updated order on Monday morning before the critique if I need to make any changes.


  • January Roundtable 2 and 3

  • February Assignment!

I.N.S.P.I.R.A.T.I.O.N. . . !

Sometimes I can’t help sharing photo-related things that have inspired me during the week.  This is a story that was shared with me last week from a student in last year’s class.  She thought maybe I would like to share it with you all :)


Have a wonderful week everyone!


January 27


How is everyone doing?  It was so great to virtually meet some of you at the first Roundtable, and I’m looking forward to meeting the rest of you later this week.

These weekly updates will become more consistent.  This week I wanted to answer a few questions that I’ve been asked:

  • Tomorrow’s and Thursday’s Roundtables will still be happening.  (You probably saw Kirsten’s post about the tragedy with her childhood friend.  We’ve rescheduled a few meetings but this won’t affect the Roundtables).

  • The Roundtables upload links are only for photos related to personal projects you’d like to discuss.  Please upload your photos at least 2 hours before the meeting, make sure to name the files with your name, and zip your files if you have a large amount.

  • Our first critique where we will be looking at everyone’s self-portraits will be on February 10th!  Make sure to label your photo with your name before uploading.  For the critiques it’s best to upload your photos the night before.  Or 3 hours before the critique at the latest.

  • Workshop dates have been confirmed!  (See bottom of email.)  Everyone was so wonderful and patient with the scheduling process.  Now that the dates are worked out I don’t know what I’m going to do with all my time?  Possibly look into publishing a book with all the back-and-forth emails and text messages about dates...

  • Roundtable dates for February are also listed below and on the class website.  You can use this link to signup for the Roundtable of your choice: https://calendly.com/kirstenlewiseducation/roundtable-discussion-1?month=2020-01

  • If you find that you’re unable to attend the Roundtable that you’ve signed up for, it’s not a huge deal.  We will always give you the links to all the Roundtable’s so that you can join a different Roundtable if you need to.  You can also join any Roundtable just to listen in.

  • The recording of last week’s Roundtable has been uploaded to Teachable.  All recordings will usually be uploaded to Teachable the day after they take place.

  • I’ll be sending out an email tomorrow with a link to signup for February 1:1’s.

  • I’m so excited about the beginning of this year together!


  • January Roundtable 1

Note about Critique-time and time-zones: Our first critique is going to be at 12pm MST.  This is 7 or 8pm for our Europeans.  We’ll look at the European’s photos first, then Argentina, then the US, then Australia, then Hong Kong.  Hopefully all the European’s will be finished by 9:30/10, so they can sign off and go to bed if they’d like.  And then hopefully the critique will last long enough that our students in Hong Kong and Australia will be able to wake up and sign in by 6am and still be able to join the critique.  If our European’s don’t want to stay up for the entire critique, they can watch the recording of what they missed.  And our ladies in Hong Kong and Australia will definitely need to watch the recording of what they missed, unless they want to get up in the middle of the night:)  I’m hoping this time will work for everyone - we’ll see how it goes this time around and if we have a critique that we know is going to go long, we’ll start it earlier.


Salt Lake City - Fly in on June 15, fly out on June 23

  1. Mary

  2. Katie

  3. Zoe

  4. Ally

  5. Amy

  6. Julia

  7. Sarah

  8. Anissa

  9. Jeanette

  10. Casey

  11. Mauge

  12. Erika

London - Fly in on October 12, fly out on October 20

  1. Sophie

  2. Christine

  3. Elisse

  4. Ina

  5. Emma

  6. Barbara P.

  7. Kelly

  8. Stepheney

  9. Lauren

  10. Iratxe

  11. Danny

  12. Diana

New Orleans - Fly in on November 30, fly out on December 8

  1. Barbara N.

  2. Alexe

  3. Brea

  4. Linda

  5. Tommy

  6. Ilana

  7. Aleks

  8. Elizabeth

  9. Anna

  10. Brittany

  11. Bec

  12. Liora

If anyone is planning on buying a plane ticket soon, we recommend arriving with enough time to get dinner with everyone on the first evening.  No big deal though if you can’t!

- Molly


January 10

Hi Everyone,

It’s your first weekly email update!

A few people had questions about what to submit for Roundtables vs. Critiques -

Roundtable Discussions are to discuss personal projects.  For your first Roundtable this month, you can bring any ideas you have for a personal project, you can use the meeting to brainstorm new ideas, or you can share what project/s you’re already working on.  If you’re already working on a personal project and would like to share some photos from it, you can use this link to upload your photos: 

Critiques are the large-group meetings that happen once a month, where you’ll be sharing your assignment from that month.  This month’s assignment was self-portraits.

To help you think about personal projects - 

Kirsten posted some helpful activities in Teachable today to help you think about personal project ideas.  I’m sharing some links to other people’s personal projects at the bottom of this email for further inspiration.  

Also - There is an iPhone app for Teachable!  I’ve found it's helpful to be able to watch Teachable video content on my phone.  I’m not sure if there’s an app for Android at this time.

If you haven’t already, check out the class website - www.kirstenlewismentoring.com .  If you missed the lengthy email I sent out with a lot of class info, you can find it in the weekly update section: https://www.kirstenlewismentoring.com/weekly-email-updates-1

Workshops - Kirsten and I almost have the dates solidified!  Will email everyone dates in the next few days.

The following info will be included in the bottom of each weekly email.  You can find the same info on the class website:


Kirsten’s welcome video - will be uploaded soon

Creative ideation lessons and exercises for Personal Projects - These lessons and exercises were created last year for Kirsten’s mentoring group (Visual Storytelling folks, these will be familiar to you!) She decided to share them this year for those of you who are still in the brainstorming stage.

Creative ideation exercises for Conceptual Photography

Interview with Marisa Kraft

7 Degrees of Wellness quiz has been updated (if you noticed the broken link before)


I’ll be putting together a resources section on the class website with a lot of photographers and projects to check out.  In the mean-time, here are some projects to look at:

PhotoLucida’s  Critical Mass Top 50.  There are a lot of series in here that are part of personal projects: https://www.photolucida.org/critical-mass/top-50/

Here’s an example of one of the Photo Lucida finalists that shows how uniquely a person can conceptualize a project:


Russian photographer Nadia Sablin - http://www.nadiasablin.com/aunties

I linked you to her “Aunties” project, but all of her projects are so interesting. 

Apparently this photographer found a lot of the photography subjects in this story on craigslist.  He has a few other personal project series on his site as well.

Carl Bower: https://www.carlbower.com/private-fears

Here’s a project that a student of Kirsten’s started working on in one of her classes: https://www.katiejettwallsphotography.com/tabs

(If you were in Kirsten’s Visual Storytelling class last year, these were all pulled from weekly email updates.  New projects will be shared soon!)

Talk to you all soon!

- Molly


January 2


Well folks, it’s officially 2020.  Which means it’s time to get this thing started!

The following is a ridiculously long email with everything you need to know about the program.  I will try to break up this information into bite-size chunks.  You may need a hot bath or a glass of wine to get through this one.


Teachable is an online platform where all your class content will be located.  Every month, there will be a new assignment posted in Teachable.  Any additional content, all interviews, and recordings of all the Roundtable Discussions and Critiques will be posted in Teachable as soon as humanly possible after the online sessions take place.  

To access the class content, you’ll need to have a Teachable account and sign up for Kirsten Lewis Education.  (No need to go through this step if you already have an account.)

To sign up for Teachable, go to: https://kirsten-lewis-education.teachable.com/ Please click where it says "ENROLL NOW.”  Let me know if you have any trouble signing up.

After you create an account I’ll be sent a notification that you’ve signed up, and I’ll manually add the course to your account.  If you’re already signed up to Kirsten Lewis Education I’ll go ahead and add the course to your account now.  You’ll find the course by clicking on “My Courses” in the upper right-hand corner after you sign in.

Right now the only things posted in Teachable are a year overview and the January assignment.  I’ll be posting a video soon going over some of this same information, for those of you who are more visual (audible?) learners.  Kirsten is also recording a video for you which should be posted soon.


All of the online meetings, critiques and roundtable discussions will take place in a group Zoom meeting.  Most of you have already used Zoom for your 15 minute welcome sessions with Kirsten.  

To download Zoom to your computer or phone, go to Zoom.us 

It is free to signup and only takes a few minutes.

Each month, I will be sharing several Zoom links with you.  (Roundtables, Critiques and quarterly 1:1’s).  In order to join the monthly meetings all you need to do is click on the Zoom link at the time of the meeting.  During the Critiques and Roundtables you will have the option to have your video on or off (we love it when it’s on so we can see your pretty faces and what food you might be preparing and eating during the meetings..)  Everyone’s microphones will be turned off until it’s your turn to talk about your assignment or personal projects.  There is also a chat bar where you can comment or ask questions.


Each month there will be an assignment followed by an online critique of the assignment.  The assignments will be posted at the beginning of each month, and the critiques will usually take place in the beginning of the following month.

During the critiques a different guest critiquer each month will join Kirsten to look at your assignments.  You’ll have the opportunity to talk with Kirsten and the guest critiquer about your work.

The critiques will range anywhere between 2 - 7 hours.  The expectation is that everyone will be able to attend the entire critique if possible.  If there is any part of the critique where you know you’ll need to step out, you can let me know ahead of time and I’ll send out a critique order based on these requests.  The critique order is not for people who would prefer to go earlier rather than later, it’s for people who have prior commitments that they can’t get out of.  I’ll switch up the order each month so you’re not always at the beginning or always at the end.  We’ll always put the Europeans towards the beginning of the critique because of their time-zone, so they can leave the critique when it gets too late for them.

Kirsten and I will do our best to choose critique times that work for every time-zone.  We may need to switch up the times of the critiques each month so that folks in different countries all get a chance to join.

If you aren’t able to attend a critique you may still send in your assignment with a short explanation for Kirsten and the guest critiquer.  The critiques will always be recorded and posted in Teachable so you’ll be able to watch any parts that you missed.


Each month you will attend one Roundtable Discussion.  The Roundtable discussions are a place to talk about your personal projects ands the progress/next steps for each project.  You will also be able to share and get feedback on photos that you’ve taken for your project during the month.  

The Roundtable discussions will be broken into small groups of 10 people each.  You’ll be able to signup for the date of the Roundtable that works best for your schedule on a first-come, first-served basis.  This way you’ll be with different people each month and will get the chance to learn about everyone’s projects.  

The purpose of the Roundtable Discussions is to have the chance to talk with Kirsten about your projects.  For this reason, you’ll only be able to send in photos for Kirsten to review if you’re able to be present in the meeting.  The Roundtable discussions will always be recorded and posted in Teachable so you can watch the sessions that you weren’t a part of.


Each person will have four 30 minute sessions throughout the year.  These sessions are for you to use in whatever way is most beneficial for you.  Some people use the sessions to stay accountable with goals, to talk about their photo business, to get feedback on photography sessions, or to talk with Kirsten about where they’re at with their personal journey with photography.  

You may also share photos with Kirsten during your 1:1 sessions.  For these sessions you can send your photos ahead of time using Kirsten’s wetransfer link: https://kirstenlewisphoto.wetransfer.com/  I’ll send out a separate email with information about how to resize and prep your files.


I’ll be sending out scheduling links throughout each month.  We use Calendly for scheduling which is pretty self-explanatory.  The scheduling link will bring you to a calendar that shows all the available signup dates for that month.  After you sign up you’ll be emailed a confirmation and a Zoom link for the meeting.  You should automatically be sent a reminder email a day or two before the meeting takes place, but please don’t rely on the confirmation emails to remember your meetings.


Each month Kirsten will be meeting with 10 people for their 30 minute 1:1 sessions.  I will be sending out a link tomorrow morning with all the available dates for 1:1 sessions this month.  I’ll also include a list of who should sign up for the month of January.

You will be meeting with Kirsten on a quarterly basis, so if your first meeting is in January, your next meeting with be in April.  If your first meeting with Kirsten in February, your next meeting will be in May.  And if your first meeting with Kirsten in March, your next meeting will be in June.  Please signup for a session on your allotted month.  Once people start skipping months it gets difficult to find enough make-up dates to fit everyone in.

Signups for your month will be on a first-come first-served basis.  The same signup link will also be sent to Kirsten’s other year-long mentoring group.  There will be enough sessions to accommodate both classes, but you might want to grab your session as soon as possible.


There will be 3 Roundtable Discussions each month.  The dates of the Roundtables will go out to you each month with a Roundtable signup link.  Please sign up for only one of these sessions.  The signups are first-come, first served, and there will be a cut-off at 11 people per session.  The idea with this is that you’ll be able to sign up for the date that works best for you.

With ALL scheduling, please be considerate to the people who work during the week and are only available to signup on weekends.  If a couple days go by and there are still weekend slots available, then it’s fine to sign up for a weekend date.  We’ll always have a Roundtable date that is later in the day (MST) for our Hong Kong/Australia ladies.  If there’s ever a month when you can’t find a signup that works for you, just let me know.


Kirsten’s travel and online session schedule is pretty crazy.  So it’s not always easy to find make-up dates.  If you need to cancel for an emergency or sickness, we’ll always find a date to reschedule.  We’ll also try to be as minimal as possible with rescheduling online meetings on Kirsten’s end.  Sometimes because of sickness, family emergencies, travel changes or delayed flights a session may need to be rescheduled.


The class will be provided with upload links each month for uploading photos for Critique and Roundtable Discussions.  If you’re sending a large amount of photos, it’s best if you can send in a zipped file.  The links can always be found in your weekly email updates or on the class website.


There is a class website:  www.kirstenlewismentoring.com (yes you’re looking at it ;)

It’s a private class website just for you, so there is a password: PN2020

If you’re already overwhelmed by all this information, hopefully the class website will be an easy way to keep track of everything all in one place.  There are buttons to Teachable, the Facebook group, the Year Overview, and an archive of the weekly email updates (if you’re like me and lose track of these as soon as they come into your inbox).  I’ll post this email in there as well.  There is also a class calendar which we will keep updated,  Zoom links, upload links and upcoming dates for the month.


Kirsten’s email address is Kirsten@kirstenlewisphoto.com.  Feel free to email Kirsten about anything throughout the year.  I’m usually the first person to see and read all of Kirsten’s emails, and will make sure to pass on emails to her that need to be answered by her personally.  It can take Kirsten awhile to get back to emails, so I’ll also get back to you if it’s a question that I can answer. 

You may also email me for more immediate help.  I am absolutely available to help brainstorm  ideas for assignments, be a second set of eyes on your work, or answer any questions pertaining to the class.  I’m also happy to meet with anyone via Zoom throughout the year if you want to talk anything class or photography related.

Each week I’ll be sending out a weekly email update with any updates about dates, scheduling, assignments and zoom links.

For all invoicing/payment plan questions please email Kristen Fair at Kristen@kirstenlewisphoto.com.  Kristen should have already been in touch with all of you about contracts, questionnaires and your payment plans.


The purpose of the class facebook group is to provide a place for building community with each other.  Not everyone loves facebook, and so if Kirsten or I ever post an announcement in the facebook group I’ll also send the same information in an email to the entire class.  Feel free to tag Kirsten or I with questions in the Facebook group, but I can’t promise we’ll see it.  The best way to get ahold of either one of us is always through email.  


Everyone in the program will get to attend a 7 day workshop.  We’re still working on dates, hopefully we’ll have these for you soon.  There will be a lot more info sent out about the workshops throughout the year!

If I’ve missed anything, let me know!  I’ve been writing this email for over two hours and I’m sure I’ve forgotten something.

Here’s to a year filled with insight and growth for every one of us,

- Molly