Good morning!
How’s everyone’s week going? All the April dates are now on the class calendar:
We decided to offer two Roundtables this month (instead of the original idea to not have any) because of the amount of people who are working on projects that don’t involve going out into the world. For those of you who aren’t able to work on your current projects you’re completely welcome to share photos that you’ve been taking around your home or neighborhood, or maybe think about a more personal or conceptual project to work on in the meantime until we’re able to get back to our normal lives again. We can use the Roundtables to help you brainstorm if you want to take this on.
We decided to alternate Happy Hours and Roundtables this month, so there would be something to attend every week if you’d like. We had to do one of the Happy Hours in the evening for those who work during the week in the US, sorry to those in Europe who might not want to stay up until 1 in the morning to drink with your classmates;)
The April assignment is posted in Teachable. More content to come throughout the month. Even though the critique for both March and April’s assignments will be in May, we still wanted you to have the assignment so you could start thinking about it. This assignment is something that I think everyone will be able to do within the limitations of social distancing.
Signups for April 1:1’s will be sent out shortly.
The March Roundtable that had to be rescheduled from earlier this week is THIS FRIDAY at 10am MST. Anyone is welcome to join!
I’m probably missing something, but that’s it for now:)
April Assignment
There are so many creatives stepping up to the plate right now to offer free photography talks/critiques/education opportunities. I can’t even keep up with it all!
Focus on the Story (which I mentioned in the facebook group) is offering Free talks and panels from esteemed photographers. It’s basically their conference online! -
Ask your classmate Ilana about her Social Distancing Club - she’s created a facebook community offering free Roundtable Discussions with experts in different areas that anyone can join.
Kristine Nyborg has a free mini-workshop (just assignments, no feedback) where she’s posting a photography assignment every three days to help keep everyone’s creativity flowing -
Rupi Kaur (@rupikaur_) has offered several free writing workshops on IG live. I have 2 friends who participated in her last class and loved it. She’s made the first one available on her IGTV and you can watch it here -
Kirsten is offering free elementary school language arts lessons to kids up to grade 3, three times a week:
I know there’s many more! Maybe we can all share what we find in the facebook group.