March 18


It feels like it’s been a crazy few weeks because of the coronavirus, and I’m sorry to folks in other parts of the world that it’s finally sinking in to us Americans what you’ve been dealing with for awhile now.

I really valued everyone’s contributions to the February critique.  I especially want to thank those of you who submitted your assignments even though your shooting days were cut short because of the coronavirus.  Every assignment shared adds something to the conversation, so thank you!

Kirsten mentioned during Monday’s critique that we might make some changes to the curriculum to accommodate for anyone needing to put the brakes on their personal projects because of social distancing.  Right now we are planning to:

  • Continue with our Roundtables for the month of March, to talk about where everyone’s progress is since their last Roundtable.  

  • Take a break from Roundtables during the month of April since a lot of people may not be able to work on their personal projects this upcoming month.  We’ll make up this month of Roundtables in January 2021.  

  • Continue on with the March assignment which will be critiqued during the beginning of April.  

  • Most likely our April assignment will remain the same, as it is also an assignment that doesn’t require you to go out into the world to make it.

  • I wish we knew what June is going to look like for the Salt Lake City workshop, but there’s no way to know yet how things are going to unfold.  If you’re buying your plane ticket I would make sure you have the ability to reschedule your flight if you need to.  We’ll keep everyone in the loop as we figure everything out.

A couple other updates:

  • The zoom check-in that Kirsten hosted last week is uploaded to Teachable, as well as Monday’s critique.

  • Last weeks missed Roundtable is being rescheduled to the same time (10am MDT) on March 30th.  Hopefully those of you whose Roundtable was canceled can join on the 30th.  If the new date doesn’t work, you can also join one of the other 2 Roundtables instead.

  • The March Critique is going to be moved one day earlier, to Monday, April 6th.  We’re very sorry about the last minute change - our guest critiquer had to reschedule.

Also - I’m sorry if I haven’t responded to emails in the last 2 days, will be writing everyone back tomorrow!


  • March Check-in

  • February Critique


I’m going to plug the Documentary Family Awards this week because they are starting an Interview Series with past award winners, and I am SO excited about it!  The first interview is with Erika Morillo, I absolutely love her work and a lot of what she shared in her interview was very inspiring to me.  Her interview hasn’t been published yet, but if you check out the DFA blog in the next few days you should be able to read it:

I hope everyone has a wonderful week,

- Molly