August 4

Hi Everyone!

The calendar / webpage has been updated with August’s dates.  A heads up though - Kirsten may need to fly to her parent’s home sometime this month (possibly next week) to help with some family issues.  If she does, we may have to reschedule a few of the dates.  Thanks for being flexible with this and hopefully we don’t need to do any rescheduling!

Next Monday Kirsten is going to have a Roundtable Discussion to talk about business.  She’s going to be looking at Ally’s website and social media as an example.  Please come to the Roundtable with any questions you have about business that you’d like to talk about.  I’m sorry about the late time of evening for Europeans.. it was the only time we could schedule it.  If you have questions but don’t think you’ll be able to make it to the meeting - just email your questions to me and I’ll pass them along to Kirsten.

After thinking about everyone’s responses to the facebook poll about September, we’ve decided that we’ll take a break with having a critique in the end of September, but we’ll post the September Assignment in the beginning of the month.  So you’ll have August to work on the Literary Pairing assignment, and then you’ll have almost two months to work on the next assignment since we’ll likely not critique the assignment until the end-ish of October.  The September assignment is going to take a bit more time to complete, so we'd wanted to give a longer period of time to work on it anyway.  And we’ll still have Roundtable Discussions in September.

Also, here are the Roundtable and 1:1 signup dates.  I sent the 1:1 link out last week, and noticed that only a few people signed up.  A lot of Kirsten’s availability is this week - so if you’re ready to meet and are free, please sign up soon!

Roundtable Signups -

1:1 Signups -

See you all next week!- Molly


  • July Critique - Part 1 & 2


July 27


Great first half of the critique today!  I’m going to try to get it uploaded this afternoon, with the names of all those artists that I scribbled down in my notebook and have no idea how to spell..

I hope that everyone has a wonderful middle-of-your-week and we’ll see you on Friday,

- Molly


July 20


I hope you all had a good weekend.  

We have two Roundtables this week!  Tomorrow at 12pm MDT and Friday at 3pm MDT.  

And then our first half of the critique for the “My Earliest Inspiration” critique is next Monday.  I’ll send out an email later this week splitting the class in half (I’ll put everyone in Europe in the July 27th critique because of the time-zone).  Everyone can take a look at what I sent out and let me know if it looks okay.

I’m here if anyone needs me!

- Molly


  • July Roundtable 1

  • July Assignment


July 14

Hi Everyone,

It’s Tuesday!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday so far.  I’ve been away since last Thursday and am just catching up on emails - if you haven’t heard back from me.

We have a happy hour tomorrow - I know the last time I said please come to a happy hour it was canceled.  But please, come to tomorrow’s happy hour if you can!  It would be great to see everyone.  

Also, there is only 1 person signed up for Thursday’s Roundtable, (Ally, you know who you are ;) ).  If anyone else wants to join on Thursday it would be a great opportunity to spend some extra time talking about what you're working on, since we won’t be pressed for time.

I’m planning to post the assignment for July tomorrow.  Like I said before, I’m excited for our next critique (June’s assignment) and I hope get’s a chance to shoot for it.

See you all soon!

- Molly


July 6

Hi Everyone!

How was everyone’s weekend?  (You guys, nobody ever writes back to these emails.  I’m really expecting at least a five paragraph response from each of you about the highlights of your past week and all the things that have been running through your mind..)

For July, we’re holding off on the new assignment for a little bit since we’re about a month behind.  Hopefully everyone has gotten a start on at least thinking about the June assignment, we have a fantastic guest critiquer set up to join us at the end of the month.

I sent out the 1:1 signup link to everyone due to signup for a meeting this month, but if I somehow missed you then you can signup here (I’ve also added some additional dates) -

Here is the Roundtable signup link -

See you all next week,

- Molly


  • May Critique - Part 2


June 24

Hi Everyone!

The dates for the critiques at the end of this month have been confirmed - (I’d mentioned at one point that we were waiting on the travel plans of David Murray the guest critiquer before we could set them in stone).  

The last June Roundtable is this Sunday.  There’s a lot of people signed up so it could go fairly long.  I’m sorry to say that Roundtable 2 was not recorded.  It was a very small group and we forgot to press record..

For the Cooperative Story critique - 

I’d like to work out who is going to be critiqued on which date so the groups have a deadline for finishing their projects.  Here's how I’ve divided the class based on time-zones.  I want to keep the groups even, but if these dates don’t work for your group please let me know:

June 29 at 11am MDT -

  • Aleks, Elisse, Linda, Mauge

  • Elizabeth, Emma, Julia C., Barbara P.

  • Sophie, Stepheney, Ally, Christine, Lauren

  • Iratxe, Liora, Sharmilla, Sylvie

July 2 at 3pm MDT - 

  • Sarah, Casey, Katie, Kelly

  • Julia M., Barbara N., Brittany, Anna

  • Ilana, Ina, Amy, Jeanette

  • Alexe, Mary, Diana, Nadia

  • Zoë, Bec, Anissa, Tommy


Bruce Gilden!  Bruce Gilden is actually asking people permission to take their photos in his new project.  I’ve always been fascinated by people who can get into the mindset of taking pictures without caring whether the subject is okay with it or not - how exactly does a person get to this point?  The idea of it is slightly terrifying to me, so if you have tips please let me know.  There’s a lot of street photographers who are more secretive or casual about their photo-taking and Bruce Gilden is 100% the opposite - getting right in people’s faces with a flash and taking a picture before they have a chance to say no.  This interview with him and the photos he’s making in his grocery story parking lot series was very interesting to me:

Have a woooooonderful rest of your week!

- Molly


June 16


This week we have Roundtable’s tomorrow and Friday.  See you all then!

- Molly


  • Conceptual Photography Discussion (recorded for Kirsten’s business class but which she wanted to share with this class as well)


June 10

Hey Everyone!

How’s your week going?

We’ve posted the June assignment in Teachable.  This is an assignment that we believe everyone should be able to do with social distancing.  Hopefully next month we’ll be able to jump back into the world a little bit.. (this is my eternal optimism) but we’ll see how it goes!  The critique for the June assignment will be towards the end of July, so you’ll have plenty of time to work on it.

Tomorrow is this month’s happy hour at 1pm MDT.  If you’d like to talk about bad tv shows and drink martini’s in the middle of the day or at the more appropriate European time, I hope that you’ll join us!  (I kid, kind of…)  

I think that’s all the new for today - have a fantastic rest of your week!

- Molly


  • David Murray Interview

  • May Roundtable 2


June 2

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all are well.  It’s been hard to focus on anything other than the protesting going on over here in the US, as everything else feels secondary.  And I know that’s the way it should be right now.  Has anyone been out shooting this week?  I’m curious to hear about your experiences.  I really hope that everyone is doing okay, emotionally and otherwise.

In other news.. I am here to present to you the June dates :)

For the end of month critique we’ve split it into two days.  Part 1 of the critiques is at 11am, and I’m hoping it will work out for all the groups with Europeans to present their assignments on this day.  Part 2 of the critique will begin at 3pm, with the idea that the groups with only people in the US and the groups with Australia or Asia can present on this date.  I don’t imagine this critique being as long as usual since there won’t be as many individual assignments to talk about.

As usual, we’re a bit up in the air as to the dates with the guest critiquer.  We have the 29th and July 2nd held for the dates, but there’s a slight chance that the guest critiquer will need to change the dates depending on his travel plans.  (These guest critiquer’s are hard to pin down!)  I don’t think we’ll need to reschedule but giving you a heads up just in-case.

I’ll be posting the June assignment later this week.  I know everyone is still working on the May assignment, so don’t want to overwhelm anyone with too much at once.


There is nothing new in Teachable because I’ve been trying to upload the 2nd May Roundtable for two days straight and am losing my mind because it is not allowing me to complete the upload.  Tomorrow I will try again!

Everyone take care of yourselves and have a wonderful week!

- Molly


May 20

Hi Everyone,

I was blown away on Monday by everyone’s work.  So much soul, joy, heartbreak, levity and honesty shared in those photos.  It’s such a privilege to be let in to everyone’s world.

For our second Roundtable this month we need to switch the date.  I always hate having to reschedule anything, but Kirsten is going to be on a photography panel that evening and we don’t want to have to cut the Roundtable short.  So we’re going to switch the date to the next day, Friday May 29th at 3pm MDT.

The photography panel Kirsten is going to be speaking on sounds great though and it’s a free entry.  It’s a webinar put on the Dallas Center for Photography with photographers Jennifer Spelman, Ed Kashi, Terra Fondriest, Patrizia Montanari and Nancy Borowick.  With the theme of documenting home as a place and a state of mind.  I’ll find the info to join and share it with you next week.We also have a happy hour this week on Thursday at 6pm MDT, hope to see some of you there!


  • May Roundtable 1

  • April Critique


Last year Kirsten flew Luis out to join a retreat she was holding, and he taught a half-day workshop for the group of us.  I dug up an email I sent out last year after the workshop to send you some Luis inspired info from my notes -

I’m sharing with you one of his current favorite photographers, Joel-Peter Witkin.  Luis apologized in advance because a lot of this artist’s work involves dead corpses (that’s my disclaimer) but said that this photographer is actually a very gentle-spirited and spiritual man:

Here’s an interview with Joel-Peter Witkin:

And a quote from Luis’s workshop: “If you want to make honest portraits you must give something of yourself first.  You must show yourself if you want your subjects to show themselves to you."

- Molly


May 11


I had to force myself away from the DFA Judging Live-stream to write this email!  Every round I get absolutely nothing done the day that it streams.  It’s split into two days this time, so if you miss it today you can watch the second part tomorrow.  Link to watch:

For the critique next Monday (I can’t believe there’s another one so soon) we’d like you to send a link to your song along with your photo.  Just upload your photo as usual, and you can send me a link to the song.  What I’ll do is make a playlist of songs in the order of the photos, and send everyone a list of the links ahead of time.  Zoom tends to garble audio when you play an online video during a zoom meeting, so which each new photos comes up Kirsten will be muting her audio along with everyone else, and we’ll all take a minute to listen to each song on our own computers at the same time.  Let me know if this doesn’t make sense.  Hopefully everyone’s song can be found in a youtube video or somewhere on the internet.  If not let me know and we’ll work something out.

Also, please send me any timing requests for the critique by the end of the week.  I’ll send out another email later in the week as a reminder.

Our first May Roundtable is this Friday at 9am.  For our second Roundtable at the end of the month, I think we’re going to need to start an hour earlier at 2pm MDT.  I’ll confirm this next week.


  • Interview with Luis Garvan

  • March Critique - Part 2 (SO much love to Zoe for looking up links to all the artist’s Lucas referenced)


A few interesting things that were shared with me this week:

“How Art Movements Tried to Make Sense of the World in the Wake of the 1918 Flu Pandemic” -

Article about late-1800’s photographer Gertrude Kasebier -

I know there’s been a lot of sharing of quarantine portraits, but I found some of these particularly beautiful -




May 5

Hey All,

I hope you’re all up for Round 2 of Lucas’s thoughts on photography and life this Saturday :)  I understand it’s a LOT of weekend online computer time and that two Saturdays in a row wasn’t the initial plan, so join if you can.  We’ll be starting an hour later at 1:30pm MDT (Lucas’s request), which isn’t great for those in Europe but I think we talked about all the Europeans photos already.  There’s a new zoom link - I’ve put it below.  And I’ll send out a separate email about the critique order for this Saturday in-case we need to adjust it for anyone.

This week we also have a happy hour at 1pm on Friday, for those of you who can’t get enough of each other!  I really like you guys so I don’t mind this virtual hanging out one bit..


  • April Roundtable 2 - Part 1

  • April Roundtable 2 - Part 2

  • March Critique - Part 1 (The beginning of the recording is cut off by about a minute - when the recording begins Lucas is talking about why he made this “Make It Seem” assignment.)


Nikon has been doing a series of live-streamed interviews with their Nikon Ambassadors.  If you look at their calendar of events, the interview series are called “My Defining Images.”  The one this Wednesday reminded me of Tommy (I know you’re probably too busy moving to tune in..) and the one on Friday sounds great.  It’s at the same time as our Happy Hour.

Another Tommy-related inspiration (you’re getting all the attention today Tommy) is a quote by Richard Avedon that was in a link to a photo that Tommy sent me.  This felt spot-on for anyone working on portrait projects, and makes me want to go out and make portraits myself.

“When you pose for a photograph, it’s behind a smile that isn’t yours. You are angry and hungry and alive. What I value in you is that intensity. I want to make portraits as intense as people. I want your intensity to pass into me, go through the camera and become a recognition to a stranger. I love your ambition and your capacity for disappointment, and that’s still as alive in you as it has ever been.”

I hope you all have a fantastic week!

- Molly


April 29

Hi Everyone!

Our last Roundtable of the month is today at 3pm.  Hopefully you can join if you weren’t able to make the first one.  A note for the Europeans - I know the time of this RT is most likely too late for you to join.  Since we only scheduled two Roundtables this month we had to make one of them at this later time to accommodate everyone’s time zones, so I’m hoping you were able to join the previous Roundtable that was earlier in the month.

A few COVID related updates - 

  • We’re going to continue next month with the two Roundtables / two Happy Hours, so that there is something scheduled every week if your time zone allows you to join.  Hopefully by June we’ll be back to business as usual!  Never fear, we’ll be extending into 2021 to make up for the missed meetings.

  • We’ve rearranged the next few months assignments to accommodate anyone who can’t go out into the world yet.  I’ll be updating the yearly overview on the class webpage.

  • The Salt Lake City workshop is officially postponed.  Even if it’s safe to travel in June we want to make sure that everyone has time to look for stories ahead of time, and I think the stories you could find will be limited if we go so soon.  We’ll make sure we find a new workshop date that works for everyone and if absolutely necessary (if we have trouble finding a date) maybe one or two of you can join the London or New Orleans workshops.  Either way, we’ll make it work.

I almost have the dates for May set but I want to get this email out this morning so I’ll be sending a separate email with those.


I am so excited about Tristan Shouldice and Chantal Lawrie’s project, Six Feet Apart.  Everyone should submit your amazing quarantine photos to this project!  The submissions are unfiltered, so everything you submit will be shown on the site, with the chance to be featured.

See all your pretty faces later today,

- Molly


April 23

Hi Everyone,

I just finished up a week of moving-induced absolute madness at 10pm last night and I’m baaaaaack!  Back to actually turning on my computer everyday, so I’m here if you need me.

For anyone who missed the announcement - the critique of your March “Make It Seem” assignment will be this upcoming May 2nd.  We’re switching the start time to 12:30pm MDT instead of 12pm MDT.

I’ll be sending out dates for May Roundtables and 1:1’s early next week.

The class webpage is uploaded with Zoom and Upload links.

And that’s it for now!

Have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend.

- Molly


  • April Roundtable 1


April 13

Good Morning Everyone!  ...morning is anytime before 1pm right now ;)

I hope you are all well.  

Tomorrow at 9am MDT we have our first April Roundtable.  We only have 2 this month since many of you are having to put your projects on hold (we’ll be making this up at the end of the year/beginning of next year).  Even if you are not working on your original project, feel free to join and talk about anything you are working on now or brainstorm ideas for projects you could be working on at home.

xo to all!

- Molly


April 7

Alright folks,

No long boring email from me today because I’m in the midst of moving and I am losing my mind.  If I sound dramatic just watch an episode of hoarders, insert me as the main character and you’ll understand what I’m dealing with :)

But!  I truly hope that everyone is doing well, and I’m here if you need me.  The last March Roundtable has been uploaded to Teachable.  And tomorrow is our first Happy Hour!  A couple people still need to sign up for their 1:1’s this month, so make sure to do that as soon as you can.

Have a wonderful week!

- Molly


  • March Roundtable 3


If you’re not tired of quarantine related photography yet, here’s what Magnum is doing.  I keep receiving their emails and compulsively reading them!

Also tomorrow is a Focus on The Story talk that sounds great -


April 1

Good morning!

How’s everyone’s week going?  All the April dates are now on the class calendar

We decided to offer two Roundtables this month (instead of the original idea to not have any) because of the amount of people who are working on projects that don’t involve going out into the world.  For those of you who aren’t able to work on your current projects you’re completely welcome to share photos that you’ve been taking around your home or neighborhood, or maybe think about a more personal or conceptual project to work on in the meantime until we’re able to get back to our normal lives again.  We can use the Roundtables to help you brainstorm if you want to take this on.

We decided to alternate Happy Hours and Roundtables this month, so there would be something to attend every week if you’d like.  We had to do one of the Happy Hours in the evening for those who work during the week in the US, sorry to those in Europe who might not want to stay up until 1 in the morning to drink with your classmates;)

The April assignment is posted in Teachable.  More content to come throughout the month.  Even though the critique for both March and April’s assignments will be in May, we still wanted you to have the assignment so you could start thinking about it.  This assignment is something that I think everyone will be able to do within the limitations of social distancing.

Signups for April 1:1’s will be sent out shortly

The March Roundtable that had to be rescheduled from earlier this week is THIS FRIDAY at 10am MST.  Anyone is welcome to join!

I’m probably missing something, but that’s it for now:)


  • April Assignment


There are so many creatives stepping up to the plate right now to offer free photography talks/critiques/education opportunities.  I can’t even keep up with it all!

Focus on the Story (which I mentioned in the facebook group) is offering Free talks and panels from esteemed photographers.  It’s basically their conference online! -

Ask your classmate Ilana about her Social Distancing Club - she’s created a facebook community offering free Roundtable Discussions with experts in different areas that anyone can join.

Kristine Nyborg has a free mini-workshop (just assignments, no feedback) where she’s posting a photography assignment every three days to help keep everyone’s creativity flowing -

Rupi Kaur (@rupikaur_) has offered several free writing workshops on IG live.  I have 2 friends who participated in her last class and loved it.  She’s made the first one available on her IGTV and you can watch it here -

Kirsten is offering free elementary school language arts lessons to kids up to grade 3, three times a week:

I know there’s many more!  Maybe we can all share what we find in the facebook group.



March 18


It feels like it’s been a crazy few weeks because of the coronavirus, and I’m sorry to folks in other parts of the world that it’s finally sinking in to us Americans what you’ve been dealing with for awhile now.

I really valued everyone’s contributions to the February critique.  I especially want to thank those of you who submitted your assignments even though your shooting days were cut short because of the coronavirus.  Every assignment shared adds something to the conversation, so thank you!

Kirsten mentioned during Monday’s critique that we might make some changes to the curriculum to accommodate for anyone needing to put the brakes on their personal projects because of social distancing.  Right now we are planning to:

  • Continue with our Roundtables for the month of March, to talk about where everyone’s progress is since their last Roundtable.  

  • Take a break from Roundtables during the month of April since a lot of people may not be able to work on their personal projects this upcoming month.  We’ll make up this month of Roundtables in January 2021.  

  • Continue on with the March assignment which will be critiqued during the beginning of April.  

  • Most likely our April assignment will remain the same, as it is also an assignment that doesn’t require you to go out into the world to make it.

  • I wish we knew what June is going to look like for the Salt Lake City workshop, but there’s no way to know yet how things are going to unfold.  If you’re buying your plane ticket I would make sure you have the ability to reschedule your flight if you need to.  We’ll keep everyone in the loop as we figure everything out.

A couple other updates:

  • The zoom check-in that Kirsten hosted last week is uploaded to Teachable, as well as Monday’s critique.

  • Last weeks missed Roundtable is being rescheduled to the same time (10am MDT) on March 30th.  Hopefully those of you whose Roundtable was canceled can join on the 30th.  If the new date doesn’t work, you can also join one of the other 2 Roundtables instead.

  • The March Critique is going to be moved one day earlier, to Monday, April 6th.  We’re very sorry about the last minute change - our guest critiquer had to reschedule.

Also - I’m sorry if I haven’t responded to emails in the last 2 days, will be writing everyone back tomorrow!


  • March Check-in

  • February Critique


I’m going to plug the Documentary Family Awards this week because they are starting an Interview Series with past award winners, and I am SO excited about it!  The first interview is with Erika Morillo, I absolutely love her work and a lot of what she shared in her interview was very inspiring to me.  Her interview hasn’t been published yet, but if you check out the DFA blog in the next few days you should be able to read it:

I hope everyone has a wonderful week,

- Molly


March 9


No big updates this week, I just wanted to say hi:)

For those of you not in the US - we had Daylight Savings time this past weekend, so the US timezone is an hour ahead of what it was before.  We’re now MDT instead of MST.  Make sure you take this into account with the 1:1/Roundtable/Critique times.  

The first March Roundtable is this Friday and we have a ton of spots left.

The Feb. Critique is next Monday.  Let me know if you have any timing requests and I’ll be sending out a critique order over the weekend.  


This guy popped up in my IG feed and I’ve spent all week looking at his photos of Irish Travellers:

Naturally, I then went down the rabbit hole and found several other photographers who’ve also spent significant amounts of time photographing Irish Travellers.  It's interesting to see how different people portray the same subject -





I hope everyone has a great week!

- Molly


March 3

Hello Everyone,

We finally have dates for March!  (see below)  I apologize for not having these sooner.  Sometimes Kirsten’s travel schedule for the month isn’t finalized until the actual month, and this was one of those months.  To make up for it though, we already have your Critique date set for April :)

In other news..


The first February Roundtable is uploading to Teachable as we speak.

Your March Assignment is up!

Your 1:1 and Roundtable signup links are being sent out now.

Don’t forget to vote 😜


  • February Roundtable 1

  • March Content


  • Friday, March 13, 10am MST - Roundtable 1

  • Monday, March 16, 12pm MST - February Critique

  • Saturday, March 21, 12pm MST - Roundtable 2

  • Wednesday, March 25, 3pm MST - Roundtable 3

  • Tuesday, April 7, time TBD - March Critique


This article feels timely as everyone starts to gain access and build trust with your personal project subjects.  Although I imagine that 40 years later you’d have a harder time hanging out with a bunch of middle schoolers without their parents permission!  It’s worth a read just to get to the video at the bottom of the article...

I hope you all have a great week,

- Molly