Hi Everyone!
The calendar / webpage has been updated with August’s dates. A heads up though - Kirsten may need to fly to her parent’s home sometime this month (possibly next week) to help with some family issues. If she does, we may have to reschedule a few of the dates. Thanks for being flexible with this and hopefully we don’t need to do any rescheduling!
Next Monday Kirsten is going to have a Roundtable Discussion to talk about business. She’s going to be looking at Ally’s website and social media as an example. Please come to the Roundtable with any questions you have about business that you’d like to talk about. I’m sorry about the late time of evening for Europeans.. it was the only time we could schedule it. If you have questions but don’t think you’ll be able to make it to the meeting - just email your questions to me and I’ll pass them along to Kirsten.
After thinking about everyone’s responses to the facebook poll about September, we’ve decided that we’ll take a break with having a critique in the end of September, but we’ll post the September Assignment in the beginning of the month. So you’ll have August to work on the Literary Pairing assignment, and then you’ll have almost two months to work on the next assignment since we’ll likely not critique the assignment until the end-ish of October. The September assignment is going to take a bit more time to complete, so we'd wanted to give a longer period of time to work on it anyway. And we’ll still have Roundtable Discussions in September.
Also, here are the Roundtable and 1:1 signup dates. I sent the 1:1 link out last week, and noticed that only a few people signed up. A lot of Kirsten’s availability is this week - so if you’re ready to meet and are free, please sign up soon!
Roundtable Signups - https://calendly.com/kirstenlewiseducation/roundtable-discussion-1?month=2020-08
1:1 Signups - https://calendly.com/kirstenlewiseducation/30-minute-online-session
See you all next week!- Molly
July Critique - Part 1 & 2